Happy New Year Folks!

So here we go again for another year of blood, sweat and tears! And also laughter, love and obviously more tattoo’s!

I’m not really a fan of Christmas so its nice to get back to some normality, i did manage to get a little creative over the break and had a little play with some arty crafty shit, i also had sooo many tattoo ideas that i can hopefully get round to creating to offer to you lovely lot in case something catches your eye.

Ive also been trying to get to grips with all the social media malarkey, i’m learning slowly but as the last of the Gen X era , its not something that comes naturally to me! So if you see my attempts rolling around the great abyss that is the interwebs then please bear that in mind and give me a fucking break!

I hope to see you very soon with some cool ideas and Thank you again for the continued support, lets make this year awesome!!

Catch you soon.

Ps I’m not absolutely sure how the store works and how i am notified to send you shit so please do get in touch if you have any issues, cheers.

