My Story

Hi, I’m Lisa, I’ll tell you a little about how i became a tattoo artist, Ive always been interested in art, Salvador Dali being a particular fascination of mine when i was a kid, but it wasn’t until i hit my 30’s that the interest in Tattoos took hold, i got my first tattoo at 30 years old (I cant believe it took me so long!) and since then have collected quite a few, i was, and still am! a Dog Groomer by trade and own my own salon, but i am always looking to challenge myself and for me dog grooming was no longer doing that so thought i would have a change of career, aside from dogs my next love was art and particularly tattoo’s, so i started researching, practicing and fell into a rabbit hole of amazing colour and images that sent my brain wild!

Then i got to thinking! i already had premises and if i pinched one of the rooms i could build a little tattoo studio, of course with registrations and health and safety it wasn’t as simple as just starting but i jumped through all the hoops to eventually found myself a fully fledged tattoo artist!

I couldn’t go down the conventional route of an apprenticeship as i already had a thriving dog grooming business that brought in the income while i was working on my new career, and now i work 3 days dog grooming and 3 days tattooing, and its amazing, hard work but awesome!

I then started to outgrow my little studio, many factors like needed the space back for my dog grooming salon as I was growing that side of things, a change of landlord meant all my eggs were in one basket and I had the space at home to convert into a larger studio so I didn’t have to travel for work, it all just made sense, my biggest challenge was convincing my husband to surrender his beloved garage space for the greater good!

so after many months of hard work converting the space I am (almost) done and ready to welcome you all for a chilled out tattoo experience.

God i love filters! My hair colour changes regularly but you get the gist! this is me,,,

About My Little Studio!

So as i said before i was able to take a small room from my dog salon and turn it into a studio, it took a bit of work, putting up dividing walls and decorating, but with the help of my husband, Nick, who is a builder by trade (very handy!) we soon had it ready.

I wanted to create a one to one space where clients would feel at ease without disturbances, its a very private little room with no walk ins and for any of the more personal parts of the body i can lock the doors so its guaranteed privacy, its also great for people who are maybe a little nervous of getting a tattoo, i aim for everyone to be as comfortable and relaxed as possible.

Click on the video below to take a tour!

Im all moved into my new studio in the beautiful village of Cattistock on the outskirts of Dorchester, a quiet picturesque place that gives calming vibes.

Welcome to HellDog Ink